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Jun 29, 2012


Youth day is a very special day that brings back memories and a history that shapes our country. We should be proud of what our parents fought for. However, I question what’s there to fight for today. It was 36 years ago when enthusiastic and eager young people demonstrated their rejections to the new policy of apartheid. 

Still, I question what’s there to fight for today? It seems as if our youth have relaxed, and have rather settled for the growing culture of entitlement – being dependent on the government for jobs, subsidies and other incentives. This has resulted in the nation becoming consumers rather than producers.

We preach social inequalities, the high rate of HIV and crime, but instead of coming up with solutions for this “young nation” – we should realize that the mindset and willpower of the youth today tend to exacerbate the problem. Let us all refuse and reject to sit back, but rather stand up and have the zeal to make something of our lives .We cannot wait for the government to provide solutions to all our challenges, the onus is on us to help one another through the spirit of Ubuntu which encourages sharing and unity.

By: Tsholofelo Mosala