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Jun 4, 2012


As a democratic country we have one of the most democratic constitutions in the world, and I believe that we as a new South Africa, we have come to misinterpret the rights that we have. Responding to the recent Zuma Painting if my memory serves me well, all citizens have a right to freedom of expression whether it be through art, music, poetry or any other possible form. These rights are recognized as important elements of our democracy.

But we have become a community that has forgotten that there is a difference between practicing your rights to freely expressing yourself- and abusing those rights. When one freely expresses himself/herself it should not be at the expense of another person’s dignity, morals, values and humanity. In expressing yourself be sure that you don’t humiliate or offend any person. With rights come responsibilities and it’s your duty to ensure that whatever you do, you don’t victimize or undermine any other person’s right.

Written by Tshegofatso Mosala

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